Cabinet layout

For a single data cabinet, we would normally aim for a general layout as follows, and as indicated in the diagram to the right.

Starting from the top and working our way towards the bottom:-

  1. Space for any ceiling ventilation fans
  2. Fibre optics patch panels
  3. Normal (copper / RJ45) patch panels
  4. Router and any firewalls
  5. Core switch and any fibre switches
  6. Switches (for PC and printer connections)
  7. Servers
  8. UPS's

We would aim for the patch panels and switches to be interspersed with a sufficient number of cable managment bars.

We would also aim to leave gaps for where there may be possible future expansion in the number of patch panels or switches or servers.

For server rooms where the equipment will be placed in more than one cabinet, it's good practise to group all the patch panels in one cabinet, all the servers in another and the switches in whichever cabinet is most suitable.

Untidy data cabinet